Printing to Printer
Once you have the plot you want on the screen, do the following to
print the graphic to a printer:
- set output "| lp" - This will make the graphic screen
- set terminal postscript
- replot
- set output "| lp" - You can use the up arrow to call this
line up again.
After the last command, you should see a message like the following:
- gnuplot> set output "|lp"
request id is lj3sib-961 (standard input)
This means that is was printed.
To go back to having the graphical display, type the following:
- set terminal x11 - (x11 is the type of windowing
system the Suns use)
If you want to print later, you only have to do the last three of the
commands, i.e.,
- set terminal postscript
- replot
- set output "| lp" - You can use the up arrow to call this
line up again.
Note that the lp in the output command is the print command for
your machine. Use can use the following for the output command:
- set output "| lp" - Prints to the default printer for your
machine. For machines in Wright 339, this lj3sib.
- set output "| lp -dlj3sia" - Prints to the specified
printer. lj3sia is in Wright 339 as well.
- set output "| lp -n 3" - Prints more than one copy (in this
case, 3 copies). This can be combined with the -d option as well.
Table of Contents - Previous - Generating Output - Next - Outputting to a File
College of Natural Sciences /
University of Northern Iowa /
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Copyright � 1996 College of Natural Sciences. All Rights Reserved.
Last Modified: 10/29/96