3D Data Plots

GnuPlot also lets you do 3D plots. The Data File must have three columns, one for the x, the y, and the z values. For instance, if you had a data file like the following:
-2.000000	-2.000000	0.500000
-2.000000	-1.500000	0.427300
-2.000000	-1.000000	0.235294
-2.000000	-0.500000	0.062257
-2.000000	 0.000000	0.000000
-2.000000	 0.500000	0.062257
-2.000000	 1.000000	0.235294
-2.000000	 1.500000	0.427300
-2.000000	 2.000000	0.500000
-1.500000	-2.000000	0.427300
-1.500000	-1.500000	0.500000
-1.500000	-1.000000	0.371134
-1.500000	-0.500000	0.109756
-1.500000	 0.000000	0.000000
-1.500000	 0.500000	0.109756
-1.500000	 1.000000	0.371134
-1.500000	 1.500000	0.500000
-1.500000	 2.000000	0.427300
-1.000000	-2.000000	0.235294
-1.000000	-1.500000	0.371134
-1.000000	-1.000000	0.500000
-1.000000	-0.500000	0.235294
To plot this data, if it were in a file called "try2.dat", you would type:

You can also use cylindrical and spherical coordiantes with 3D data plots. For example:

For more information, see help plot datafile.

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College of Natural Sciences / University of Northern Iowa / [email protected]

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Last Modified: 11/5/96